Power your Pharmacy with Bizimply

Bizimply provides an all-in-one scheduling, time & attendance and HR solutions. Book a demo with Bizimply to find out more about how our system can bring the best out of your pharmacy!


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Increase Staff Retention

Keep compliance and increase staff retention through Bizimply's HR suite– all with a single customisable system that responds to your unique needs.
  • Track holiday, sick and other time off requested or taken, and hours accrued. Link time off records to the schedule and timecards.
  • Complete the steps needed to onboard each employee and send confirmation of completion and relevant documents to HR.

Track & Analyse Labour Costs

 Keep an eye on equipment, suppliers and daily operations. Monitor and manage KPI’s using Forecasts and our Shift Log. 

  • Customise your shift log so you are receiving information that fits your business’ needs after every shift in each location. 
  • Monitor sales and labour metrics to make sure you hit your targets and gain valuable insights into areas that need improvement.

Want to learn more about Bizimply?

Take a look at our short video which describes the core features - then book a free consultation to find out more!

Start using Bizimply with Sage today

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